For the past ten years in Alberta we have gathered and celebrated Recovery. These have been public events and have been supported by the Alberta Recovery Community in participation and exhibits rentals. We have had approximately 40 exhibitor booths that join in on the event. This year we have dates in September for Calgary and Lethbridge already secured. If you are celebrating recovery day please send us the details and we will add it to this page and share it across our social media platforms.
Recovery Day is committed to mobilizing and organizing Canadians in recovery from addiction and addiction related problems.
Our mission is to build awareness, challenge societal stigma, and celebrate the role that recovery plays in improving life for individuals, families, and communities. We believe that recovery saves lives.
We envision a world in which recovery from addiction is a common, celebrated reality – a world where individuals will not experience shame when seeking help.
We are passionate about sharing the faces, voices and stories of recovery in hopes of inspiring and inviting others to join us on the rewarding, yet diverse, path to wholeness. Together, we will demonstrate the power and proof of recovery from addiction.

Recovery Day Calgary 2024
Click the image above for more information!
2023 was presented by
Contributing Organizations
Participating Agencies
Recovery Day Lethbridge 2024 Coming Soon
Click the image above for more information!

Recovery Day Alberta Coming Soon
Click the image above for more information!